Here are some abbreviations which appear on this site. Click on the links for further information.

BABCPBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
BACPThe British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy validates training programmes, and maintains ethical standards in the profession.
BAPPSBritish Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision.
BASRTThe British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy.
BPSBritish Psychological Society.
CAT Cognitive Analytical Therapy.
CBTCognitive Behavioural Therapy.
The BABCP website’s General Public page has a section called What is CBT?
FPCThe Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling is the professional body for graduates from wpf Counselling and Psychotherapy training.
United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy maintains lists of accredited training organisations and practitioners.
UKRCThe United Kingdom Register of Counsellors includes only counsellors whose training and accountability meets defined rigorous criteria.
WPFWPF Counselling and Psychotherapy (formerly Westminster Pastoral Foundation) is a national network of therapy and training centres. The local WPF centre is Southampton Counselling Ltd.